

Custom Search Engine

Google has just launched their Custome Search Engine. Web sites can now have a Google powered search engine, but with their sites look and feel. You can also earn some cash through Google's AdSense program.


Build a centralized log management and monitoring system

Here is a collection of very useful sites that exlpains some options for using a centralised syslog facility:

Linux.com - Build a centralized log management and monitoring system
deer-run.com - Remote Logging with SSH and Syslog-NG
kdough.net - Syslog Logging with PostgreSQL HOWTO



Google Reader

Google Reader: All I can say is I like it. Some very nice features, and very easy to use.



JBoss training now available from RedHat

It seems RedHat has now integrated several training modules for JBoss into it's portfolio. There are also certain certifications available.



It would be interesting to see how fast these courses can reach South Africa...





Some CentOS odities...

I was very frustrated with CentOS after discovering that MySQL Server has issues starting up. For those struggling with the same problem, here is a fix:

In /etc/my.cnf, add the following line under the [mysqld] section:


You also might want to add the following under the [mysql] section:


Now your server will start, and your client does not rely only on Sockets for connectivity.

Hope that helps some one :)



My site of the month

I like audio/video functionality on web sites, and this is probably why I like this new site: The Bleeding Edge

All the stories are in the form of video's you can watch on the site, or even download in various formats for other devices like the PSP etc.

I believe this is a very cool concept the site creators have here, and I am sure we will see more of these sites pop up as broadband becomes a reality all over.


Deepest Sender Firefox Extension

I have just installed Deepest Sender which is a Firefox browser extension and this is my first post using it.

I must say, it's very easy to use, and I will be using this to post all my future blog posts.

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