Passing packets from kernel land to userland - libipq and Perl
I have been looking at packet sniffing for various applications for a while now. Problem is that my needs are more "real time/in-line" than "post capture processing" (ala libpcap and friends).
So here are some notes on my progress. Consider this part 1.
Since I am using Linux exclusively, I had another look at Netfilter. I discovered basically two tools I could use:
The later seems to be a replacement for libipq, but I could not find a lot of documentation and implementation notes, so I stick with libipq for now.
Since I am more confident in Perl, I was delighted to find a Perl interface to libipq - perlipq.
On Debian based systems, ensure you have the following packages installed:
Here is a simple test you can do to see the interface in action. First create a basic firewall script (fw.sh) with the following:
Next, create a Perl script (test.pl):
To start the monitoring, run the initial firewall script, then run the above Perl script.
To stop the script, simply press CTRL+C. All networking should also stop as the script no longer passes the accept back.
To reset the firewall script, run:
That's it.
I still have a number of things I want to do, including:
Additional Resources:
So here are some notes on my progress. Consider this part 1.
Since I am using Linux exclusively, I had another look at Netfilter. I discovered basically two tools I could use:
The later seems to be a replacement for libipq, but I could not find a lot of documentation and implementation notes, so I stick with libipq for now.
Since I am more confident in Perl, I was delighted to find a Perl interface to libipq - perlipq.
On Debian based systems, ensure you have the following packages installed:
- iptables
- libiptables-ipv4-ipqueue-perl
Here is a simple test you can do to see the interface in action. First create a basic firewall script (fw.sh) with the following:
iptables -F
iptables -A INPUT -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -j ACCEPT
iptables -t mangle -F
iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -p tcp -j QUEUE
Next, create a Perl script (test.pl):
package passer;
use strict;
$^W = 1;
use IPTables::IPv4::IPQueue qw(:constants);
use NetPacket::IP;
sub main
my ($queue, $msg);
$queue = new IPTables::IPv4::IPQueue() or die IPTables::IPv4::IPQueue->errstr;
$queue->set_mode( IPQ_COPY_PACKET, 1500 );
while (1) {
$msg = $queue->get_message() or die IPTables::IPv4::IPQueue->errstr;
my $pl = $msg->payload();
my $len = $msg->data_len();
eval {
my $ip = NetPacket::IP->decode( $pl );
my $ipsrc = $ip->{src_ip};
my $ipdest = $ip->{dest_ip};
print " > from $ipsrc to $ipdest -=> $len\n";
$queue->set_verdict($msg->packet_id(), NF_ACCEPT) > 0 or die IPTables::IPv4::IPQueue->errstr;
To start the monitoring, run the initial firewall script, then run the above Perl script.
To stop the script, simply press CTRL+C. All networking should also stop as the script no longer passes the accept back.
To reset the firewall script, run:
# iptables -t mangle -F ; iptables -F
That's it.
I still have a number of things I want to do, including:
- Use NetPacket::TCP to get SRC and DST ports
- Load test (how is network performance influenced?)
- During output, I only saw packets leaving the firewall (SRC was the FW, and DST was the client, although the client initiated the session - weird). I need to investigate this, as I am no iptables expert :-)
- Do it in C? (http://www.imchris.org/projects/libipq.html)
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