Fix for mod_bw when getting an error "undefined symbol: apr_atomic_cas"
I downloaded the Apache module mod_bw to see if I could simulate some "slow" connections. To compile the package you need to run the following command as root:
That will install the module correctly, but when you add the configuration option to your vhost configs you might get an error "undefined symbol: apr_atomic_cas". When that happens, open the file mod_bw.c and change the following:
# apxs -i -a -c mod_bw.c
That will install the module correctly, but when you add the configuration option to your vhost configs you might get an error "undefined symbol: apr_atomic_cas". When that happens, open the file mod_bw.c and change the following:
/* Compatibility for ARP < 1 */
#define apr_atomic_inc32 apr_atomic_inc
#define apr_atomic_dec32 apr_atomic_dec
#define apr_atomic_add32 apr_atomic_add
#define apr_atomic_cas32 apr_atomic_cas
#define apr_atomic_set32 apr_atomic_set
/* Compatibility for ARP < 1 */
#define apr_atomic_inc32 apr_atomic_inc
#define apr_atomic_dec32 apr_atomic_dec
#define apr_atomic_add32 apr_atomic_add
#define apr_atomic_cas32 apr_atomic_cas
#define apr_atomic_set32 apr_atomic_set