A Python Quicky - a function to handle user input (command line)
This is perhaps more a note to self, but of course others are welcome to use and improve on the function.
As you can see, I have used normal regex validation, so nothing too fancy.
import traceback
import re
def UserInput( question="> ", input_type="numeric", regex="^\d{1}$", action_on_fail="retry", help_on_error="\tYou need to supply exactly 1 numeric digit from 0 to 9. Press CTRL+C to quit." ):
quit = 0
userinput = ""
while quit == 0:
if input_type == "numeric":
userinput = str( input( str( question ) ) )
userinput = str( raw_input( str( question ) ) )
print "ERROR - Exception: "
print traceback.format_exc()
# Validate the input
if re.compile( regex ).search( userinput ):
quit = 1
print "ERROR - Input validation failed."
print str( help_on_error )
if action_on_fail != "retry":
userinput = ""
quit = 1
print ""
return userinput
print "Testing user input...\n\n"
born = UserInput( "In which year were you born? ", "numeric", "^\d{4}$", "retry", "Enter a year valid 4 digit year" )
name = UserInput( "What is your name? ", "alpha", "^\w{3,32}$", "retry", "A valid name contains only alpha characters and is between 3 and 32 characters long" )
if int( born ) < 1980:
print "Hi " + str( name ) + " - You are old :-)"
print str( name ) + " - you're a youngster..."
As you can see, I have used normal regex validation, so nothing too fancy.