

[Perl] Check if DB table exists

Building on the script of yesterday, I have created a subroutine that will create a table if it doesn't exist. It also uses a DB connect retry for up to an hour in cases where the DB is not available.

The input arg's of the sub:

  1. The table name
  2. The table create definition
Here is the script:

sub CheckTables {

my( $tblname, $tbldef ) = @_;

# Connect to DB
my $cont = 0;
my $tries = 0;
my $dbh1;
while( not $cont ) {

eval {

$dbh1 = DBI->connect( "dbi:mysql:database=$dbdb;host=$dbhost;port=$dbport", "$dbuser", "$dbpass" );


if( $@ ) {

sleep( 1 );

} else {



if( $tries > 3600 ) {

# We have been trying for an hour - give up
print "CheckTables_GIVE_UP\t1\n";



my $sql = "show tables like '$tblname'";
my $sth = $dbh1->prepare( $sql );
my $exists = 0;
if( $sth->execute() ) {

while( my $t = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) {

if( $t =~ /^$tblname$/ ) { $exists = 1; }



# If table didn't exist, create it
if( not $exists ) {

# Attempt to create table
$dbh1->do( $tbldef );

# Check again
$sth = $dbh1->prepare( $sql );
if( $sth->execute() ) {

while( my $t = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) {

if( $t =~ /^$tblname$/ ) { $exists = 1; }





return $exists;


Thanks for the great script!! Saved me some pain
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